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4 reasons why oil paints are my favorite artist media. Part 1 of 3 part series.

Updated: Feb 13, 2022

I invited a guest to write this blog post.

My friend, oil paint, is here to tell you about himself.

However, be patient, you may find him a bit boastful, maybe rightfully so?

So without further ado …

“ Hello there, friend, I’m oil paint.

I have many fine qualities, the one that separates me the most from any other media (and my personal favorite) is my lovely aroma.

My robust fragrance comes from my turpentine base.

I call it perfume; others think the tangy scent makes their nose curl.

However, my magnificent colors come from blending natural pigments and linseed oil. This combination holds me together.

Besides, my 'perfume' here's 4 more reasons Kate loves me most!

1. Powerful color of oil paint

In fact, my colors are so dynamic, Kate paints with mainly four colors: red, blue, yellow, and white.

Kate is a mixing color wiz.

After 30 years of working with interior designs, she can match any Pantone color from any year.

2. Thick Texture of oil paint

Kate also chooses me because of my thick texture.

Using a palette knife she scoops me up and dabs about. Ah … I become a kaleidoscope of mesmerizing colors.

Step back from Kate’s scene and your eyes and mind get lost in the view.

And the texture.

Thick and rich, that’s me!

Sand dune and water landscape original oil by Kate Moynihan artist
Singing Sand, dune and water landscape original oil, 30h x 40w, $1957

Close up.

Don't you love my texture?

Look at that depth!

Close - up.

And, I must brag, look at my stunning colors!!! Ooh-la-la.

3. Drying time of oil paint

When exposed to air, I dry s--l--o--w--l--y.

It’s my turpentine base again. Just another element to my perfume charm.

Kate favors me when doing custom paintings because of my turtle-pace drying time.

She can snap you a photo of your painting and ask for feedback.

'More yellow,' you say. Or perhaps you ask, 'Can you add more trees?'

Kate replies, 'No problem.' Because she simply pushes my wet paint around and makes changes.

In fact, with heavy layering, known as impasto, I dry so slowly can take up to nine months to fully cure.

But don’t fret.

I dry from the outside in. I can be transported in 2- 3 weeks if you’re gentle with me.

4.Oil on canvas is flexible for displaying

I’m painted on linen canvas, primed with gesso.

I loved to be enhanced with a frame, but if Kate paints me on a deep 1.5” canvas it’s strong enough to avoid warping, and I think I look striking this way, too.

After all, it’s all about me … oil paint.

I like to brag about how I’ve aged well over the years. 

Tracing my roots back to the 5th century in Asia, and then introduced to Europe in the 15th century by masters like da Vinci and Rembrandt.

My media has style and longevity!

Next, Kate chats about watercolor. It’s a temperamental medium, yet has tricks I just can’t perform.

But, (brag, brag) remember I was chosen first."

Signing off,

Your friend,

Oil Paint


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