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5 Benefits of Laughter

Updated: Mar 20, 2022

humor cartoon to make you laugh by Kate Moynihan

My life fell apart on Friday.

Previously, I had been limping for weeks with plantar fasciitis in my left heel.

Then Larry, my husband, slipped with his feet sailing out from under him. Instantly he smacked the ground, hard. All 290+ pounds landed on top of his left ankle. His fracture and surgery had my hobbling on overdrive as I retrieved him ice packs, fetching what-nots, along with limping through a litany of errands, household duties, and work.

I’m sure this ‘crazy-busy’ syndrome happens at your house, too.

So, maybe you’ll want to try what I did: I laughed.

humor and lighthearted Birch Banter cartoon note card series by Kate Moynihan artist, Let the breeze tickle your senses with laughter
Birch Banter cartoon note card series by Kate. Pack of 7 , $24 Free shipping

5 Benefits of Laughter

Laughter is said:

  • to lower blood pressure,

  • improve sleep,

  • ease digestion,

  • be a natural energy booster. Need I go on?  Yes!

  • Laughing burns calories. 100 laughs roughly equals 15 minutes on an exercise bike. How can you not smile about that?

So, when life gets too complicated, let your belly get the giggles. Allow your laughter to bubble up and burst out!

Four to six-year-old kids laugh 300 times a day. Take a lesson from them and laugh at every part of your life.

Enjoy the Benefits of Laughter




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