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Why you like certain colors.Color Psychology - Part 1 - in color series

Updated: Feb 6, 2022

Color and You

Color psychology is the study of various color as it affects human behavior.

Which colors do you respond to? Blue Yellow Red Orange Green Violet Brown

Do you prefer sharp color contrast?

Below primary colors (red, blue, yellow) add energy

Original oil painting of two chickadees in bold colorful background by Kate Moynihan Artist
Original oil bird paintings by Kate

Or do you prefer quieter colors like these analogous colors of blue and green in circle pattern below?

Abstract contemporary original ail in green and blue analogous colors in a restful circle pattern by Kate Moynihan artist.
Assorted abstract original oils available by Kate

In 1989, I was intrigued studying the effects of color in art class at Bismarck State College where I had returned to further my education. Perhaps it was my medical background as a registered nurse that made me passionate about color. That, and the fact my collegiate professor, Randal Simon, was dedicated to color.

He not only spoke about the power of color, but had personal stories of the use of color as a manipulating tool during his capture as a POW in Viet Nam. Through his emotional experiences and in-depth study, I learned a lot about color.

Physiology – how color works: We see color when reflected light hits the light-sensitive retina at the back of your eye. The human retina consists of cones (which are responsible for your ability to see color), and rods (which respond to light levels.)

Your eye is like a fingerprint. Each individual has a different number of cones and rods. One person sees a fuller or different color spectrum and value of a color that another cannot see. Think: color blindness - a deficiency of color vision, usually referring to the inability to see a distinction between red and green.

The Psychology of Color

Emotional Capability of Color:

Randal believed, and others have studied, too, this unique composition of cones and rods in the anatomy of your eye is why everyone reacts differently to color. Certain colors, such as red, which is known to emanate an energetic feel, can raise an individual’s blood pressure a bit more than someone else’s. Think again about the "color-blind" individual. For them, seeing red and green as shades of gray, the emotional effect of energetic red will have less of an impact.

Using techniques similar to a polygraph, which measures and records physiological indicators such as pulse, respiration, blood pressure, and skin conductivity, an individual’s “base” color can be determined. This base color is the certain shade of a specific color an individual reacts most intensely. Some researchers believe discovering an individual’s base color is a tool so powerful it can be used as a brainwashing technique.

Like Randal’s POW personal experiences, your personal background might be associated with color, making the emotional effects of color more powerful, especially if your personal history was fearful or life threatening. 

This theory of reacting to color lets us understand why you may respond to certain colors in a specific way. You may feel powerful wearing a bright red tie or dress, while the next person is uncomfortable is such a bold color.

Color Psychology Impact

It is also interesting that 90% of our first impressions are derived from color. Take for instance the colors a friend chooses to decorate their home. If you find the colors comforting, you may discover that the colors are similar to what you purchase, not just for your décor, but for your car and fashion, too.

Below, do these soft hues of blue fit your quiet personality?

Winter birch trees in blue with mixed media collage. Wise words: Be brave for inspiration on art. Original by Kate Moynihan artist.
Original oil and collage paintings by Kate

Some of you respond purely by the psychology of color, choosing an abstract piece.

As shown below, is your personality more vibrant?

Geometric abstract oil painting by Kate Moynihan artist
Original abstract oil painting by Kate

Color Psychology is an interesting concept.

What colors do you respond to?


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