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5 Fun Emotional Benefits of Dogs and Art - think health, wellness, and happiness

Updated: Nov 25, 2022

Why man's best friend - and art - are worth borrowing or owning.

A dog's unconditional love is undeniable. Add their 'pack' instinct, and it makes their loyalty unbeatable. Art is as loyal and will love you as unconditionally.

5 Upbeat Perks of Dogs and Art.

1. Art and Dogs Make Memories

If you've had a dog in your life, I bet you can tell me the exact year you brought your four-legged friend home. Without hesitation, I can rattle off all three of my childhood dogs with a story for each.

Art has the same memories. It can instantly take you back to a favorite place - perhaps the tranquility of your childhood fishing hole or lake.

2. They both says things that words can't

A dog's thumping tail and eyes locked on you from under their furry fringe sends a clear message, just as art can radiate similar kindred emotions.

3. Both make you feel less stress

Petting a familiar dog lowers blood pressure and heart rate, slows breathing, and relaxes muscle tension almost immediately.

Whereas, gazing at art can have a calming effect, too. Try it. Let your mind wander and escape into the scene below and the soothing colors.

4. Art and Dogs Make You Smile

Laughing is a natural energy booster.

From a puppy's visit, I have a vacuum cleaner handle chewed to a rough and gnarled state. Yet, every time I wrap a kitchen towel around it so I can use it without hurting my hand, I smile, pushing the vacuum with more vigor.

Laughing releases endorphins—our feel-good hormone.

Art, too, adds laughter. I created this greeting card series, Birch Banter, solely for that reason.

5. With Art and Dogs, You’re Less Likely to be Depressed

The need to feed and walk a dog gives you a reason to get out of bed in the morning. And by forcing you to leave the house every day, the dog encourages a sense of purpose in you.

Whereas the dog stimulates your get-up-and-go, art can take you places, too. A radiant sunset lets your worries melt right along with the sinking sun.

Even the colors in art will get you rolling. Take red. The color of energy, vigor. Yellow, too, is lively and full of energy. I have an 8-part series on Color Psychology if you want to dive deeper. into color.

Presently, I don't own a dog, but I'm quick to borrow my grand-dog, Ginger, despite the fact that comes with a 6 am wake-up call. She plops her head eye-level to my pillow and quietly hovers. If I don't respond within a minute, it's a thunderous ruff, and a slick lick on the kisser for me. My face splits into a smile, and I roll out of bed. Unconditional love goes both ways.

So if you don't own a dog. Borrow one. Although I list 5 reasons... the benefits are endless.

Same is true with art.

Borrow some art:

Simply click here to email me and type: screensaver, and I'll download you an image.

Related Article: 5 benefits of Laughter

Related Article: 10 Benefits of Art


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